Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Little Daisy Duck

Thursday, 25th December 2008

Pari, my daughter, is about to complete 12 months of age soon. Her first Birthday is going to fall on 2nd January 2009. We are talking about how to plan the day, maybe Havan (prayer) in the morning and lunch in the afternoon. While the details still need to be chalked out, let me tell you about something eventful and memorable that happened today.

Today, I went to Lohia Park in the morning at about 9:30 am with Pooja, Pari and Mummy. Pari was having fun walking on her own. Although she has been walking small baby steps at home as well, this was the first time today we noticed that the number of her steps were more and she was visibly having more fun in the park, while we took turns in 1 person watching over her and the remaining 2 of us playing badminton.

Picture this - With a smile on her face and sparkling vivid curiosity in her eyes, she starts walking like a little cute duckling. Her left leg moves forward towards the left direction, her right leg moves forward towards the right and her hands sway side to side to try and strike a balance. Using this precarious balancing act she walks about 5 steps and then falls down, only to get up again and repeating the act. She continues to do this on wet grass in the park and on the dry area. You can guess the aftermath – soiled clothes and hands! Don’t worry, after all, we do have Surf Excel on our side! The best part is the expression of sheer joy and exuberance on her face while doing this, like she has accomplished a major mission. We came back after over an hour in the park. It was good fun.

What a bliss childhood is! There are no worries to ponder over and no financial planning to be done. There are no issues to be sorted out and no one to report to. You seem to derive joy out of the small things in life, where each small achievement holds great value and joy. You are like the little white swan in the lake, content in your little world, and watching the world go by at it’s own mad pace.


P.S. I am looking forward to watching Ghajini today evening at MMX Ghaziabad. It’s got my favorite star, Aamir Khan. Hope it’s good!

1 comment:

  1. very cute sweet little darling girl.... :)
