It all started with us clicking some snaps in the lane outside our house in Sitapuri, New Delhi. We posted some of them on Facebook for her pre-school contest for the "Best costume". She was wearing a home made saree and looked gorgeous in chestnut color hair.
As per the rules of the contest, the winner would be the one who would get the maximum number of likes. Well, Pari came a close second, which was good. And, I must add here that, the boy who won the title was not wearing any special costume. The pre-school guys changed the contest to "Best Smile" . Preposterous!! Call me partial, but I have always felt that my daughter's smile is the best in the world.
That was the beginning. Soon, the picture started getting shared across the world on FB. People kept sending me messages on FB that they have seen the picture on some group, on some public page, on someone's profile etc. We didnt mind this at all - we were proud parents and whenever we saw something shared on the pic, our hearts leaped for joy and we reached out to Pari to give her a hug and a kiss :)
The Original Pic
The Pic on FB added on someone's page - with text in native Indian Language
Finally, here comes the show stopper version of the pic...3800+ shares, close to 1,00,000 likes!! Oh Man...this pic is really going places.
The Super Popular PIC
As per the rules of the contest, the winner would be the one who would get the maximum number of likes. Well, Pari came a close second, which was good. And, I must add here that, the boy who won the title was not wearing any special costume. The pre-school guys changed the contest to "Best Smile" . Preposterous!! Call me partial, but I have always felt that my daughter's smile is the best in the world.
That was the beginning. Soon, the picture started getting shared across the world on FB. People kept sending me messages on FB that they have seen the picture on some group, on some public page, on someone's profile etc. We didnt mind this at all - we were proud parents and whenever we saw something shared on the pic, our hearts leaped for joy and we reached out to Pari to give her a hug and a kiss :)
The Original Pic
The Pic on FB added on someone's page - with text in native Indian Language
Finally, here comes the show stopper version of the pic...3800+ shares, close to 1,00,000 likes!! Oh Man...this pic is really going places.
The Super Popular PIC